Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Found mah old sig, but got an image hosting question
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Had this long ago, /gif I made:

[Image: Untitled11.gif]

Won't take too long for me to run out of bandwidth usage with photobucket.  Is there a free hosting site I can plop this on and not have to worry about using up all my bandwidth?
ep lol
how do you use up all your bandwidth

i have never done that

you must posta lot of pictures

there is imageiso.com

try them they are kinda new though
or upload them up to myspace
right click the picture and get the image url
mediafire allows hosting of all files types and I've never had anything exceed bandwidth allowance.
Hmm, will try mediafire.  I run out of bandwidth pretty easily, actually, it's a pretty large gif, I guess.  I used it over at hacks as my sig, once I hit about 3-400 posts, I kept getting that "Out of bandwidth" message from Photobucket.  I guess I could host it on a couple of different spots and move from one to another when I run out.
I always use TinyPic D:
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