some people have bots lol. just another random thing
aaronep Wrote:thanks guys and what's wrong with that dude hiibyware?[/align]
I was not crazy until i joined here,
Give it a few days and you will be as mad as me,
Can you please stop making dupe accounts, ix_stylez?
uhmm i don't remember making this thread.... *changes pass*
UR accounts got merged, that's why it looks like u made it.
Ur IP's were probably the same.
oooo this is aarons thread lol. hes a friend from nj, he knew my password for my pspiso account. he must of went on here with the same thing.. o well i changed my pass >.>
Double postalso y would i go all the way to new jersey and make an account then go all the way back to texas?