Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Make you windows xp faster than ever before
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They really won't increase speed that much - trust me, I was running XP on a 533MHz computer, and I've tweaked the hell out of it.

The main things you need to do:
  • nLite your installation
  • Disable basically all startup items (yes, the average person does NOT need many at all)
  • Disable unnecessary services - use a guide like this
  • Disable theming, including the Themes service
  • Don't install unnecessary programs, especially ones that bloat up your system like RealPlayer
  • Disable indexing service (and Windows Search for Vista) - learn to find where your files are, and become efficient at retrieving them

^ They would be the main sources of slowdowns on the average computer.  And I've seen many average computers to know... :P
thanks! when I unstall Vista ill do that.
I've tried so many of these guides on my comp... I think they work pretty well once you try a couple. Here are a couple of my specs:
Windows XP SP3 (That one that was just released in Tech News, not full)
Made by Compaq
2 hard drives: One is about 7gb and the other is about 2gb.
No internet connection.

It probably worked well for me since I can disable all internet related services. :yipi:

edit: I also found a .pdf file with tweaks through torrents ( O_O ) if anyone wants me to upload that. Most of it was said in this guide.

Such a large guide! I will try it out at my XP as soon as i finished my download (Kane and Lynch: Dead Men) at Vista.
wow huge guide!

I wonder if it actually works........

Mc Cabe reads guide...
I think it works. Would probably be more noticeable on a faster comp than mine. See 2 posts above yours for my comp.
wow the specs here are. . .like a $100 computer in today's tech :P
dued, wai to bump a close to 3 year old thread lol
Ugh* dust. =(
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