Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #1--VOTING
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well i vote last person because his sig made me lolz and i really need to watch that anime

my other choice would have been .shadow now if only his sig transformed into a robot that would be sweet
well shadow gt my vote he pwns
thanks for adding the poll, zinga :D

what a surprise ¬¬

By the way the reason wee don't use Polls is because someone can vote for themselves...
^ Doesn't really matter (if you ask me) - if every entrant votes for themselves, everything's even.

If wee don't have a poll, voting would be disadvantageous to the entrant.

You can also see who voted for who, thus you can disqualify votes for oneself :P
another reason is multiple accounts, all you need is another account and no one will know that you voted v_v
There's millions of ways to get around things.  You can make a dupe account and post - no difference really.

People just have to be honest.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:There's millions of ways to get around things.  You can make a dupe account and post - no difference really.

People just have to be honest.

okie dokie hehe
well, i guess i wasn't thinking straight when i set the time for this to end....originally, i said you had 48 hours from the time i posted...which would be around 12:00 am EST on sunday morning...but I've got church on sunday, and won't be able to make the next SOTW then..

so you now have until 12:00 AM EST on MONDAY MORNING...that's an extra 24 hours to vote!! :D

*though to be honest, i think wee already have a winner.....lol...
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