Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Word filters not working
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Pages: 1 2
same as title

i noticed some word filters not working
what's up with that?
heres a few i noticed

1.hershey kisses

lol the last one actually is workin hehehehehe
I'm just a computer genius  what how do you spell genius?!?!? just kidding

fudge .. .. eXx1l3d . . . hacked . . . hershey kisses. . . . lets see what happens . . .
Double post
WOAH!!!! only the first worked!
fuck spoon hershey kisses hacked eXx1l3d penis =/ wee need this fixed lol
fudge spoon hershey kisses hacked eXx1l3d penis donkey vagina bitch bastard desu

hey even desu isn't eXx1l3d lol
lol . . now people will have no mercy to the vocabulary of others!
fuck spoon donkey penis sPa/\/\ desu
z7shaft Wrote:desu desu desu desu desu desu

where the hell is sparker?

lol :yes:
zinga hershey kisses spoon fudge pocky penis eXx1l3d

omg the 1st one didn't work.
well i think i prefer some of the filters gone
Wee need to have this language gone from the forum!
Pages: 1 2
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