Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My Sig Request Thread
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I've recently started making sigs, so let me know if you want one of them, and I'll make it for you. I can also scale the size if you think it's too big, but what's shown is the maximum size. Also, unless otherwise stated, all source artwork is done by me.

Samurai Gradient
[Image: SamraiGradient.jpg]

[Image: Girl.jpg]

Pop Art Girl
[Image: PopGirl.jpg]

Snow Maiden
[Image: SnowMaiden.jpg]

Advent Children: Flower Field (original picture by Roboto-kun on deviantART)
[Image: FFVIICC.jpg]

The Judges (original picture by Roboto-kun on deviantART)
[Image: FFXIIJudges.jpg]

Samurai on Crack (original picture by Roboto-kun on deviantART)
[Image: SamuraionCrack.jpg]

I'm gonna constantly update this page with more as I make them.
so how do you actually do this? You just crop out a part of a picture?
Nice work Metalgear me likes.:)
Those ones, yes. But it's just because I really like some people's art and I thought they would be great in sigs. Plus, I took some of my art that I posted on dA and cropped it and sized it.

But I do have others that I didn't just cut and paste, don't worry. I'll post them as soon as I can.
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