Endless Paradigm

Full Version: my first sig
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it makes a cooler background.
also, it's easy to do for beginners.

this was my first sig
[Image: scribbleaxewk0.jpg]
it looks cool, and it's really easy.
why do i keep seeing guest looking at the attachment in this thread??

\"[.Absent//Minded.]\" Wrote: [ -> ]its good, for your first.

^^ and why havent i ever noticed your sig before? (probably cause you havent been here for 3 years)
psychopathic rydas til i die!!!
i knoes rite?
Way Too High Wrote: [ -> ]why do i keep seeing guest looking at the attachment in this thread??

\"[.Absent//Minded.]\" Wrote: [ -> ]its good, for your first.

^^ and why havent i ever noticed your sig before? (probably cause you havent been here for 3 years)
psychopathic rydas til i die!!!

I agree. I thought it was some sort of bug or error. >.>
Yeah, I noticed that too.

But I noticed a registered member looking at it yesterday, so I thought, "I wonder if that's the guest who's always looking at that attachment? Or maybe not..."  I just find it odd.  

I also thought it was a search result when people google "Goku Signature" If it is, it's definitely not on the first three pages of those results.

I should really stop lurking the "who's online" list.
Sick_Demented99 Wrote: [ -> ]
I should really stop lurking the "who's online" list.

don't worry i always view whos online, and see who else is lurking like me. it used to always just be me and yoyo, and sometimes v1...
[Image: whatthe.jpg]

what the heck are you looking at?!?! why is this thread so interesting?!?
[Image: wtf2-1.jpg]


i think they are some how just attracted to threads with attachments
(*¬*) I am the guest...
Kchan Wrote: [ -> ](*¬*) I am the guest...


An unexpected twist of events!
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