Endless Paradigm

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diego_429 GMV
_VEndeTta,i vote for him. but i don't want to be invloved with any graphics forum so im just here to vote not to talk.
np LP :D
robtheg Wrote:thanks diego and i chose yours for the reflection on venom that most people won't notice plus it very professional well done :)

np and thanks for your vote!
Pirata Nervo Wrote:_VEndeTta, vote for him but i don't want to be invloved with any graphics forum so im just here to vote not to talk.


Because mine's the best. :penguin:
cause it looks cool!!
deigo_429 gets my vote.
diego's is cool.
robtheg's is original.
zinga's looks sleek.

Zinga gets my vote.
robtheg's next though :(
um...where's my sig?
its your current, sorry tigerfan, it breaks the rules..

scribble Wrote:diego's is cool.
robtheg's is original.
zinga's looks sleek.

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