Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Instruments?
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have you ever played a musical instrument? like EVER? even if you were in pre-school and just learning? well tell us all about your tales right here :D
I started learning to play the guitar back in Year 6 (umm dunno what that is for people who don't live in the UK but i was 11-12 years old) but after like 4 or 5 weeks, i gave up cause i couldnt get my head around the damn chords!!! also my dad always said 2 me he would let me learn the dhol, but never got the chance cause the family friend wo was gunna teach me went to Uni :(
I play guitar.
lol but have u ever learnt orr played any other instruments in your life?
i had 2 years of lesson liek 2 years ago since then its been self tution through tabs.
Piano since I was 8.  I was really talented back then actually.  But I've declined a lot since then.  Still play piano, but not so enthusiastic about it anymore.
A burger plaing piano, what's next???
nachos playing guitars????/
Wee should start a band.
hahahaha the band: Fast Food
deep Wrote:hahahaha the band: Fast Food

nope. ;P

Band Name: "So good they named us twice,so good they named us twice"

Its long but it puts a point across. :yes::yes::yes:
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