Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Instruments?
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The only thing ive ever played was Piano. But that was a long time ago.
I can play guitar, piano, saxophone, violin, banjo, dobro, dulcimer, mandolin, ukelele, jew's harp, spoons, drums, recorder, tin whistle, and I DJ, some of them better than others...

I can't read music.
i used to play the piano, and i can whistle!
That's a really big list you got there cR@Zy!NgLi$h.

I can play guitar.
I play a lot of stuff, like cR@Zy!NgLi$h.

But can I play a tune on them?  That's another issue...
I can play the SAX
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I play a lot of stuff, like cR@Zy!NgLi$h.

But can I play a tune on them?  That's another issue...

If you can make them make a sound, (preferably the sound they're supposed to make), and you know a few scales, and what you want the tune you're playing to sound like, then you can play them...
^^its like someone was saying in the "whos a programmer thread", once you understand the way an instruent works, and you know enough to mess around and make up your own music/program, u can than easily transfer that knowledge to similar thing

john lennon said "I'm an artist, you give me a fudgeing tuba, I'll get something out of it."
i used to play violin, but i was too lazy to keep it up...
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