cruisx Wrote:yes i am, The seccond icons you posted worked great. Can you please tell me how to do that in photoshop? lol sorry for all the questions its my first time useing it
First when you create the icon , if your icon is with black background or other color , use CTRL+ mouse buton 1 , to select only the icons without the background , then make Layer via cut , once you do that you will notice that the image contains now 2 layers , one for the icon , and other for the background , then try to push the image to the left upper corner of the image , like my example 2 , but without the red lines , ok , they are just imaginary , if you can push the image up left , then you good ...
But if you can't do it , cause the image is too small , and photoshop don't let you move the image , create a bigger one 72x72 , then copy your icon layer , without the background , and you should be able to move the icon up , then resize once again to 64x64 ...
By resizing you might get balck borders after you flash your topmenu , for avoid that , don't touch the background layer till you resize the image then Fill it Black ..
I hope you understand me ...
Or easy way : Trick the topmenu in Rco Edit 1.14d
Ok , get the final release of Zinga´s tool , and open the folder of the app , find the file .INI , and open it with notepad , Then look for :
;Enter 'expert' mode by default
ExpertMode = 1
Set it to 1 , then open up the RCO Edit , and modify the Visible area to 64x64 , and that's it , your icon will be shown as it is ...