i guess some people forget to think sometimes
Then for a radio station to even do something like that you would of thought common scense would have kicked in by then when she was complaining.
michaelp Wrote:lol
i guess some people forget to think sometimes
I also thought that was physically impossible too...
I guess I learn stuff every day... :D
now i know:
never hold in your wii or you might explode!
Ya i don't want to die somewere because of something like that.
michaelp Wrote:lol
now i know:
never hold in your wii or you might explode!
Lesson learnt.
Hmm, well, so Nintendo named this console after Number one's - I wonder what they'll call their next one - name if after Number two's?
"Wow, the next Nintendo is poo poo, literally"
cotyrothery Wrote:Then for a radio station to even do something like that you would of thought common scense would have kicked in by then when she was complaining.
Yeah, but if they stop her and she survives she could sue them or something :P you never know these days.
actually... i think theres a product with the serial "Poo" or sumin... saw it on micromart (mag)... lol
Yeah, all 10 radio personals accountable for the contest where fired, and the radio show was canceled. An investigation was led, but she signed a waver for total responsibility, so there is little evidence.