Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Question]Loading brushes
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I don't want to load each individual preset because i just downloaded a set of like, 100. Is there anyway to load them all at once?
what do you mean?

stick your brushes in

Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Brushes

:) (That's actually PRESETS but the Smiliey appeared :/)
lol that's weird.
no but after you put them in the folder, you have to load them by going to Edit > Preset Manager.
Then you have to load brushes one at a time. how to you just load them all. After you put them in a folder, it doesn't show up right away.

Edit: Or you have to do this http://www.photoshop.brushes.btinternet....shes.shtml
It does for me :/
darn, i guess i need a plugin then.
scribble Wrote:darn, i guess i need a plugin then.

Its not that hard.

And you don't need a bloody plug-in
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