13/08/2007, 07:50 AM
alright, now that tiger's here, it's time to start the official "Endless Paradigm Sig Of The Week" Contest!
For those who don't know how one of these work, here's a brief rundown:
Also, all winning sigs will be entered into the SOTW Hall of Fame (to be created after the first SOTW ends)
Now, for this week's rules:
-Theme: Freestyle
When you post your sig, also make sure you post the link to your sig like this:
For those who don't know how one of these work, here's a brief rundown:
- Each Monday, I'll post the SOTW Entry thread
- Entries will be accepted from the time the thread is created until the end of Thursday.
- Entries must be a new sig (don't recycle some old thing you have lying around...)
- Voting begins when i make the voting thread on Friday, and will run till the end of Sunday.
- Results announced at the beginning of the next week's SOTW thread!
Also, all winning sigs will be entered into the SOTW Hall of Fame (to be created after the first SOTW ends)
Now, for this week's rules:
-Theme: Freestyle
When you post your sig, also make sure you post the link to your sig like this:
This will make it very easy for me to make the voting thread...if you don't do this, you WILL be disqualified...
Now then, the Entry Period is officially open...let's see how creative the members of this site are :yipi:
*by the way, I WILL allow discussion in this thread, but please, no flaming or spamming ;)