Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ideas for the graphics section
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regarding the prize of the SotW, i suggest a custom title to the winner (each week, first week winner gets the title perm'd)

i don't like the idea of the custom sig prize...
lat03 Wrote:...suggestion...
regarding the prize of the SotW, i suggest a custom title to the winner (each week, first week winner gets the title perm'd)

i don't like the idea of the custom sig prize...

hmm...I'll talk to zinga, cause i don't think i have the power to give custom titles...i only have power over the graphics section...
I personally don't mind giving up titles, but I don't think the prize is that appropriate.  If it was for something like once every 2 months, they yeah, but for something that's done once a week, it's "far too serious" or "formal" if you know what I mean.  Sig contests are meant to be a fun thing to show off ability.

Perhaps something less formal, like displaying the name in some thread, or perhaps gather up "points" for a total every two months.
besides zinag senior members and mode,admins can already change there title it would be pointless

maybe changing there standing
your right there!
hmm..i have a new idea....

how about right under the random quote on the forum index, wee display the winner's sig and name until the next week's SOTW ends?
yeah nice idea!
i went ahead and pm'ed the new idea to zinga, to make sure he reads it
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