ExBu Wrote:Nice ideas.
And tigerfan, Wee could also port the member of the month aswell. :D
I don't mind whatever happens. I encourage people to do what they like :P There's probably a few things I could extend this with, but let's see how this goes first.
YoYoBallz Wrote:As long as the graphics section doesn't turn into a drama section like it did on -hacks I think all of this can happen.
Just don't want that. I'm sure it won't happen though - the people here are generally much more mature :)
Good luck :D
UPDATE: Zinga liked my ideas, and made me a Senior Member with mod powers over the graphics section
that said, i think it's time to start making my ideas happen :D
rikku i don think wee should start the voting bussiness like at hacks lol it won't get us anywhere
now I think there should be subforums in the Graphics forum. . . . one for battle Graphics and one for showing you works./
me too
damn i wish i had mod powers in a section................................................................
hmmm if only I had them too.