
nice pics

I wanted to ask about Rayman 2, what does it require to fix? Biohazard 2 Fix or Biohazard to fix?
elitespspfreak Wrote:I wanted to ask about Rayman 2, what does it require to fix? Biohazard 2 Fix or Biohazard to fix?
Use bioharazd 2 fix,. try google,. i am not sure right now,. ;p
and use pops loader plugin set to pops 3.40 IF Rayman does't work 100%
Just wanted to post this. I made it tonight.
It's the PS1 bootup intro.
A good generic icon1.pmf for any PS1 eboot :D
If people like this, I will upload more.
EDIT: Re-uploaded. I cropped the borders off the icon ;)
I'm looking for alone in the dark the new nightmare ps1 eboot pack. i hope you could help me.
Youtube eboot pack preview uploads
Total views of all videos: 1,666,709.
hi... i can't download any links... please help... tnx
its ok now... tnx for sharing this i hope you add more...
Wait, are these full games or just the Popstation images? O.o