Endless Paradigm

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~R1kKu~ Wrote:
diego_429 Wrote:I want to see Zinga's entry!

I want to see your's. :D
heres mine. . . .
[Image: venomcopytl2.jpg]


now where is Zinga's!

Why do people want to see mine?  You know it'll suck.

Okay, here it is - I gave up on it pretty much.  Meh:
[Image: picture1gs1.png]
Made purely from Powerpoint.  Used IrfanView to do the final resizing and save to PNG.
ok can wee extend the time beause i have to travel back annd forth from the house and the library and i will have mine posted tommorow about 11am uk time

and lol zinga you have left parts transparent
ok i finished mine :D
let squee be able to post his work . . . . . and I like zinga's . .HOW do you do that with POWERPOINT!
^^ i think he sold his soul to the devil ;)
Can I enter this?

[Image: ddyi3.jpg]

I maed it myself. o.o
lol! I don't think that's a sig. . . but then again there are no size limitations said in the first post.
I suppose I'll get the voting ready soon.

Look forward ^___^

~ Vendetta, your not breaking any rules so I guess its in XD
lol! weirdest sig ever!
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