Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Please help with paf.prx!!!
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Hey, I'm trying to change all the font colours on my 3.52 m33 psp. I'm using the applecor theme.
I've managed to change half the colours, but not all of it. I need to change the paf.prx, but I'm not sure what to do.
I open up the prx in the paf.prx editor and it looks like this:
[Image: pperz9.png]
I have no idea what to do from here to change the colour of the font.

The text I'm trying to change is this:
[Image: colourhelptt4.png]

Any help on how to do this will be greatly appreciated,
yup that's paf
i have an all black paf.I'll upload it if u want.
here's what u do.decompress the paf from applecor theme,edit is using that paf tool and recompress back using the same (re)compress tool.

by the way:r those high res custom backgrounds u using?
Yeah they are, I got to whole stack of them if you want em? They look excellent with the applecor theme.
And yeah can u upload ur black paf.prx please, it's for applecor right?
Ahh, found you!  Kinda interested in this too!  So keep me posted if you could. Thanks [Image: ico_thumbup.gif]
ePirate Wrote:Yeah they are, I got to whole stack of them if you want em? They look excellent with the applecor theme.
And yeah can u upload ur black paf.prx please, it's for applecor right?

I've got a black one if you want it Zang. I'll upload it on the "other" site if you want?

[Image: screen5ct3.png]
upload please. . .I want it.
here's mine
yes it's for applecor
can sumone upload there's.i want to do some changes based on em.
ephumuris Wrote:
ePirate Wrote:Yeah they are, I got to whole stack of them if you want em? They look excellent with the applecor theme.
And yeah can u upload ur black paf.prx please, it's for applecor right?

I've got a black one if you want it Zang. I'll upload it on the "other" site if you want?

[Image: screen5ct3.png]
Yes, the "other" site *secret handshake"

zeyk Wrote:here's mine
yes it's for applecor
can sumone upload there's.i want to do some changes based on em.
Thanks, and the original applecor one is in the applecor theme pack
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