Endless Paradigm

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Hi, I relly need help on this i think i may have fully restricted access to my flash
I'm on 3.51 M33-7

    Will not load recovery on boot by holding R Trigger or the Recovery eBoot
    Will not boot homebrew in 1.00/1.50 Format
    SCEP says there is no recovery.prx in flash0:/kd/

    Plugins that don't require 150 Kernel
    Will load ISO's/CSO's
    Will boot 3.XX Homebrew
    Does access "in VSH Recovery Menu"

    Changed version name
    Installed modified Wildcard Recovery

From reading those symptoms you could ask if i was on custom firmware but i am.  I think that modified Wildcard Recovery has messed it up.  I tried to access flash via PSPFiler but as it says above "Will not boot homebrew in 1.00/1.50 Format" I need help

all i can run is some plugins, iso's and IRShell

What can i do!!!

The lumies exploit is only for 3.50

reflash the firmware or upgrade to 3.52 m33?
Well for now nothing , i will search there was a guy with similar problem , ill find his thread and make you know.

Look into that thread for more info :  http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=3340
I was just doing that exact thing, i think your right I've calmed down a bit since i wrote this thread and i think the only thing to do is wait for n00bz to finish their 3.52 downgrader.  i just wanted to check if anyone has a flasher program in 3.XX Kernel because  have the same problem as this guy: http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=103567
I've courupted my 150 Kenel
cnat irshell run the 150kernel stuff for you?
This is like the 1000th time I've heard of this type of issue (1.50 kernel stuffing up).  Interestingly, I've yet to hear a solution to this.
Yeh a lot of people are running in to this kind of prob,i think that sometimes the flash isn't always a clean one and some traces of older firmware sometimes stay and conflict with the new upgrade.  I know it sounds mad but ive had it happen to me a few times.
that's why I didnt flash that recovery ^_^!
i think i might get a UP Chip to fix it.  Does anyone know anywhere cheap for UK. (if its allowed)
try the m33 official recovery boot for 3.51 m33
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