Endless Paradigm

Full Version: For all who liked shoutbox at the bottom!!!
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Pages: 1 2
simply go into your user CP

then click on "edit options"

then in the bottom right hand corner you will see "board style"

change it to  "MyBulletin"

the shout box will now be at the bottom!!

see below screenshot
[Image: shout.jpg]

* Shady directs this thread to hibbyware
Or just use the QuickTheme thingy at the bottom of every page :P
yeah that to but i like to complicate things :)

youll be surprised at how many people don't know you can change the theme
Problem: Everyone's avatars disappear and it has that old ugly username at the top system.
could some other themes be made compatible i don like the my bulliten theme
there is another theme does it i forgot which one though
nop, theres only one, i tried all and just the mybulletin has the shoutbox at the bottom
I might code my own latest posts thingy and then move it.  It's just that I'm still worried about speed...
why don't you use the advanced stats on portal/index plugin?
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