i bought a fake 2gb like it says magicgate unknown on my psp
is that bad having a fake or is it ok
It all depend on ur luck:)
Some fake cards work like original ones, but some are slow.
fakes are bad cause they have no warranty, so if you lose ur stuff or it stops working ur screwed. also they are slow, but sony's are slow anyway so that won't matter :P and sometimes they arent the size that theyre supposed to be like a 4gb stick breaks when you put more than 512mb on it :P that spoon.
no its 2gb alright
it i slow but i don find a diffrence wit a sony
i prefer sandisk over sony :)
me 3
that's what i got from frys electronics 4gb memstick 70$! i love that place!
yeah scandisk just got a free 2gb the other day i love having friends that work at electronics stores
I heard people are having problems with the 8gb cards and using 1.5 kernal brew on OE. So until people start saying otherwise, I'll just stay with the 4gb.
well, you probably wouldn't need a 8gig card anways