Endless Paradigm

Full Version: old but cool plugin CXMBv 1.2
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Wow so a 3.40 LE! well im still on 3.40 OE and plan to stay there,for a time any way,for those of you like me still on 3.40OE,(hey that rymes lol) could benifit from this great plugin app,its a bit old now but meh,it allows you to place all your flash0 on your mem stick.No need to flash to psp anymore:)I noticed in some of the thread's of late a few poor soles have been bricking psp's its a good idea if you are still on OE, try it you won't be sorry;)

thanks for sharing this ginger

indeed people will need this

* Shady can think of a few
Cool, thanks.
full flash 0 i am gonna need this yeah
v2.4 is out!

3.52M33 support!


Thanks,Japanese Website!
nioce! thanks!
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