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Full Version: 800kb - 1mb/s download manager
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I found a really good download manager that made me from downloading about 125kb/s to about 800kb-1mb/s. just wondering if anyone else wants to try it. its the mega manager from mega upload.

-Download Site-
does this only work for megaupload?

edit: I'm guessing it is only for mega upload right?
I'll try it, see if links download fast
nope, it works for anydownload except for torrents. actually i never tried torrents but yeah it works for every other download.
i tried it, but i didn't go from 125kb to 1mb
i went from about (115-135kb) to about (180-205kb)
aww i guess its just me then =/

its still good though
I'll try it later.
me to downloading now

on a side note always seen it but never tried it til now
The download manager really shouldn't make much of an impact on the speed. Download managers make X parallel connections to the site, so u download X parts of the same file at the same time, so X times faster, nothing to do with the transfer speed of each download. The download speed of each connection is almost solely dependant of the servers, the download manager determines the amount of connections. So as long as you make a good amount of connections (too less and ur slow, too much is bad too), and get all the other settings correct, u should be able to make it go as fast as your internet allows (assuming the site allows parallel downloads. If it doesn't, then ur going to be downloading at the transfer speed of the site, with whatever download manager you're using. No download manager increases the single transfer speed from the server.)

If your old download manager is going at poo poo speeds, then it's most likely that you didn't configure your download manager propperly, like the speed settings, parallel downloads and stuff.

And talking about megaupload, i use flashget, and it's fine.
ill try it. . . i download so slow!
The jump still seems unlikely unless you're at a public computer.  Generally I find that parallel connections don't improve speeds much on your home connection.

The only other alternative is if it does mirror searching.

I'm forever a Flashget fan :P
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