Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Religion?
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I'm a Christian that agrees more with metalgear08 and his big bang and such.

I believe that the Bible is not supposed to be taken literally and if you do, you're an idiot. It's just a book full of stories to guide you through your life

I believe more in evolution then creationism mostly because I think God helped evolution along.

I don't believe it's right to force your beliefs upon others. I believe in leading by example.

"Hardcore" Christians make me sick and embarrassed.
i hate people who are devout and on wweekends there sometimes at city hall with banners saying repent love god

well i watched some guy do the nazi march behind one for like an hour and i laughed my asss off
Free Mason

i combine parts of all philosphies into my own.

religion/spirituality is one thing, the church is something else.

i see god as pure energy, in us and everything else. that thing that is never destroyed.

"when the doors of perception are cleansed, things will appear as they truely are...infinite" -william blake

god is energy and life, connecting us to the universe, everything else is just propaganda
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