Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Can't start game
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good day.

I've downloaded tales of the world: radiant mythology but i can't run the game. after the psp logo, it loads for a while then it stops and say: "The game could not be started. (80020148)"

any ideas on how to fix this? im still running on 3.03 OE-C...
is it a iso?
did u put a umd in?
and i think u should upgrade to 3.52 m33
yep, it's an iso and i have a umd in.. I've also tried converting it to cso but to no avail.. will upgrading to 3.52 m33 fix this?o_O
maybe, because some games require a higher firmware.
i see... thanks for the help... I'll try upgrading it and tel you if it worked..>_<
k, and if it still doesn't u can always downgrade it again if u like the other firmware better.
just upgrade. . more benefits.
That error code means unsupported PRX type... It also seems to appear when you are running an iso with a fake mem. stick - I don't think it's got anything to to with your FW version...

check the game weather it can run on ur firmware.
check if u have an unsupported plugin running.some games crash cause of that.sumtimes even due to capture plugin.
check if ur copy is error free.

and don't jus upgrade cause sumone told u....
upgrading has it's own drawbacks n benefits depending on ur usage.
tales of the world is for fw 3.40 and higher you need to update
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