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Full Version: PRX compressor for FW3.5x M33
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The program is working but I have to do a lot of tests before releasing. This is important on your behalf.

Implementing the module name and type recognizer took more time than I thought. The program now automatically sets the vsh or firmware kernel keys depends on the header file firmware and type, but if you load an unkown (like third party) prx, you have to select which keys do you want to use (because the program unable to determine it from the header), so I had to implement a manual key selector. And in addition I had to implement an auto/manual firmware selector if the header doesn't contain firmware version datas.

I tried to change the tempfile location to application directory, but I realized the best way is 'C:/TEMP' as before.

That's it for now, I think I will release it today if everything is ok in the tests.
ok no problem.
PRX compressor v0.4 is out now. New options, new compressor, quick decompressor... check the first post for detailed informations. And give feedback as usual.
What can i say , thanks , the program is now looking different , and more complex i will start testing wright now .

Decompressing working as usual ... wow thanks , that's sweet , no more hex .
hmmmm s_king, when I try to decompress the applecor paf.prx i get this:
[Image: paferrorrq3.png]
ePirate, you are on Vista, right? You don't have "C:\TEMP" folder and because of that the program couldn't save the tempfile. Create that folder and problem solved.
great update...

but i think it's easy to implement using current working directory(.\) instead of (c:\temp) as temp file storage.. it will eliminate the error when no c:\temp...
I generally use the directory where the program is stored in.  You should always delete the file after use, and when creating, check to see if the file exists and delete.

If that doesn't suit you, you can use the Windows temp directory.  Use the GetTempPath() API function to get the Windows temp folder.  This is much better than using C:\temp
If you dunno how to call API functions (I haven't used .NET so I can't help you unfortunately), it's probably a good idea to learn how (API functions are useful).  Microsoft's MSDN will outline the structure of API functions if you need a reference.
s_king Wrote:ePirate, you are on Vista, right? You don't have "C:\TEMP" folder and because of that the program couldn't save the tempfile. Create that folder and problem solved.

Thanks a lot s_king, ur a legend :)
Guys, simply just call me a n00b.
I would have liked to use application diretory for tempfile creation. The reason why I chose "C:\TEMP" is that gzip had problems with folder names containing space char, like "Program files". But the only problem was I forgot to use quotation marks in path names... No comment. I will release a new version in a few hours which will solve this annoying problem, so no more C:\TEMP problem.

@ ZiNgA BuRgA: Thank you very much for your advice, I learn a lot from you.
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