03/08/2007, 05:06 AM
I just edited my backup paf.prx by mistake... 
Would someone be as kind as to upload an original (non edited) 3.52 M33 encrypted/decrypted (doesn`t matter which or both) paf.prx for me.
Thanks for the help.
When I edit the font colors do I just change the float value?
I always seem to get a light blue or it just stays white (the text "memory stick", "free space" and the topmenu icons text "settings" "photo" "music" and so on)
Is there some sort of "color float values list" I can use, or can someone explain what values to use (maybe with a nice screenshot)?
Thanks for this PSP Community! :)

Would someone be as kind as to upload an original (non edited) 3.52 M33 encrypted/decrypted (doesn`t matter which or both) paf.prx for me.
Thanks for the help.
When I edit the font colors do I just change the float value?
I always seem to get a light blue or it just stays white (the text "memory stick", "free space" and the topmenu icons text "settings" "photo" "music" and so on)
Is there some sort of "color float values list" I can use, or can someone explain what values to use (maybe with a nice screenshot)?
Thanks for this PSP Community! :)