Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EP was down
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Pages: 1 2
kinda sorta i could see the portal and index pages but couldnt see anything else

now its back

this was about an hour and a half ago

(time when this was posted, duh)
Yeah, the weapons of mass destruction were hidden :(  And I soooooo wanted to see them!

I was too busy messing around with my brand new PSP
it said that bush went to go look for the weapons in iraq, but found this site..

does that mean this site was made in iraq?? i never knew zinga was in iraq lol
ix_stylez Wrote:it said that bush went to go look for the weapons in iraq, but found this site..

does that mean this site was made in iraq??
Hahaha that's some funny spoon man

that's should be added to the random quotes
Actually, I forgot to stick a '/' in the templates, which causes the whole site to screw up >_>

Here what it said

[Image: double you tee eff.jpg]
amzter Wrote:Here what it said

[Image: double you tee eff.jpg]

lol, That made me laugh so much,
it scared me for a few seconds lol
i thought i got hacked
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