Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Curtain Call Brawl [5.00M33 CTF Release]
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Something new...but old?
#5.00M33 FOREVER
[Image: blur.gif][Image: wooi2.gif][Image: itchingsmile.gif][Image: crybaby.gif][Image: ypeace.gif][Image: hero.gif][Image: adore.gif]
[Image: IeIhQX5.png]
Concept and Design:
BigDaddyWeaves AND to whoever made the "Large Original Icons" theme,
I once again used it as my base when building this. I love the style
and how everything is centered.

Huge shout out to AbyssWolf over at DeviantArt
It's where every character sprite came from.
The collection is very well done so I figured I'd use them,
granted I didn't ask permission. But hell, I'm already done
so this will have to do.

The Pitfall item icon that's displayed only shows up if you have the custom home screen hack installed on your PSP

Edit 10/27/2022 - This theme is currently Revamped!
Curtain Call Brawl Revamped

Please give it a try.
[Image: try.gif]
Wee've hit 500 downloads today.
Thoughts on the theme from people who have tried it?
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