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A few weeks late, but for those who have a Vita lying around, not following what's been going on, a PS Vita / PSTV hack was released to enable homebrew if the firmware is ≤3.60 (Sony patched it in 3.61).

Exploit runs via the web browser and enables Vita homebrew and PSP homebrew is available via VHBL.  The Vita's DRM hasn't been cracked, so those looking to play "backup" games are probably out of luck, for now.  From what I can tell, PSP ISOs also won't work.
Here's a list of what can currently be done.
On the PSTV side, the restrictive games list which prevents most Vita games from running, can be lifted via this exploit, which, combined with the PSTV's currently low price, makes it more attractive if you want to play the games without a Vita if you don't need the portability.

From what I can tell, it's a kernel mode exploit, so there's probably more to come - it's just a matter of time.

As to how to install the exploit, there's a few methods out there.  E.g. offline PC installer or Android installer
Finally! A reason to dust off my Vita

Exciting times now that the PSVita and PSTV have a full kernel mode exploit.  For a more technical write up of the exploit you can visit dev xyz's blog here

I thought about doing a write up of it here a few weeks back then I shrugged it off thinking no one would read it.  Maybe I should have.

Alot of advancements had happened recently and the scene has full read/write access to all partitions of vita/pstv now, this newly formed scene is evolving nicely and with a good pace as well with things like an offlineinstaller via the email app, PSN access, PSP homebrew via VHBL, moonlight, vitashell, vitamin, libretro nightlys and much much more.  And it's got it's share of scene drama ::DD
yeah I've been watching Wololo ever since the day. The vita has so much potential to be unlocked.

PS2 emulation please!
Exiting news, tried a few of the emulators on there, they look and play great on the vita :D still hoping for some N64 emulation.
Also, was looking for a bigger memory card to buy thinking they'd be cheaper by now, Still expensive as fudge.
Guess I'll do with a 16GB for now.
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]Also, was looking for a bigger memory card to buy thinking they'd be cheaper by now, Still expensive as fudge.
Hack or not, Sony profits either way.
Quite ingenious, I'd say.

PS Vita itself has hardly dropped in price all this time, though I suppose not really unexpected.
Interestingly, it's such a failure here in Australia, that the only place which sells them new is EB Games (and they charge a nice premium for it).  Other electronic chains stock some Vita games, but not the console itself.

Looks like some game dumpers are out, and I see a few decrypted games posted on torrent sites.  Though it looks like Sony can't really blame piracy for the lack of success of the Vita this time around, considering the late timing.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Though it looks like Sony can't really blame piracy for the lack of success of the Vita this time around, considering the late timing.

Indeed, sony is to blame this time around - it's a real shame it only really took off for japan as far as customer base and devs supporting it.   Such a nice device that I wish I would have gotten alot earlier - now somehow I own 3 of them.
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