I just want to know if its possible to make the volume bar showing always on the XMB. I have a media player taskbar (custom battery icon) and I want to place my volume bar on it. :wink2:
Maybe Bstronga or Zinga Burga knows something.(^_^)
yeah i want something like this too.
diego_429 Wrote:yeah i want something like this too.
It's a nice idea, only if I know where to look.;)
Don't think it can be done in an RCO.
Might be possible in a PRX, but it doesn't exactly sound that simple. There's probably a value which controls the time the volume bar stays active once you press the volume. From what I've seen, the PSP tends to use floats to store the number of milliseconds, so if anyone's interested, they could try that.
EDIT: it's 0x14F8 on my 3.10 impose_plugin.prx. For other versions of the PRX, search for the value 0x44F40000 (200010) and replace it with something large, like 0x4F800000 (23210). There should be multiple instances of 0x44F40000, on mine, the first one is the one you want.
One issue is that you need to press the volume button for it to show. Once shown, it'll stay there, even through sleep.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Don't think it can be done in an RCO.
Might be possible in a PRX, but it doesn't exactly sound that simple. There's probably a value which controls the time the volume bar stays active once you press the volume. From what I've seen, the PSP tends to use floats to store the number of milliseconds, so if anyone's interested, they could try that.
EDIT: it's 0x14F8 on my 3.10 impose_plugin.prx. For other versions of the PRX, search for the value 0x44F40000 (200010) and replace it with something large, like 0x4F800000 (23210). There should be multiple instances of 0x44F40000, on mine, the first one is the one you want.
One issue is that you need to press the volume button for it to show. Once shown, it'll stay there, even through sleep.
That sounds rather complicated for me as I am just learning to hexedit. So it's in impose_plugin.prx (or you mean impose.prx? - I assume that it's a typo) that "thing" controlling the behaviour of the volume bar. I'll try it. Is it okay to use f0/kn/impose.prx from a 3.03 OE-A dump? Can I use psardumper330 to decrypt the said .prx? Or my impose.prx is ready to use as I dumped it using x-flash when my psp was on 3.03 OE-A? Honestly, I have not done any decrypting before. I just want to try it. Matchung teased me about my media player taskbar not playing;). I thought maybe a working volume bar imposed on my media player would be cool. By the way, my psp is on 3.51 M33-6. Thanks:wink2:
It's f0:/resource/nodule/impose_plugin.prx
I think you need to use jas0nuk's PRXdecrypter 1.4 to decrypt 3.51 PRXs. You can retrieve the encrypted copy via USB flash0 (if M33's support it), or PSAR Dumping.
I'll post up a basic hex editing guide later on. I presume you know how to do the rest right?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's f0:/resource/nodule/impose_plugin.prx
I think you need to use jas0nuk's PRXdecrypter 1.4 to decrypt 3.51 PRXs. You can retrieve the encrypted copy via USB flash0 (if M33's support it), or PSAR Dumping.
I'll post up a basic hex editing guide later on. I presume you know how to do the rest right?
thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought you're refering to impose.prx. Anyway, I'll download jasOnuk's PRXdecrypter 1.4 to try decrypt 3.51 prx. USB flash 0 on M33 is supported as I've done flashing and back-up using it through recovery menu. I can't test at the moment as the psp is not with me right now. And as for the hex editing guide, that would be much appreciated. I'm just learning how to hex-edit but I guess I can do the rest. If I encounter any problem, I can seek help here. Thanks for your support.(^_^)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Don't think it can be done in an RCO.
Might be possible in a PRX, but it doesn't exactly sound that simple. There's probably a value which controls the time the volume bar stays active once you press the volume. From what I've seen, the PSP tends to use floats to store the number of milliseconds, so if anyone's interested, they could try that.
EDIT: it's 0x14F8 on my 3.10 impose_plugin.prx. For other versions of the PRX, search for the value 0x44F40000 (200010) and replace it with something large, like 0x4F800000 (23210). There should be multiple instances of 0x44F40000, on mine, the first one is the one you want.
One issue is that you need to press the volume button for it to show. Once shown, it'll stay there, even through sleep.
i really want to test this out!