Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] PMP Mod AVC v1.02M-K subtitle mod (fw1.5/OE)
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[Image: PMP%20Screenshot_qjgenth.png?611886]

The PSP videophiles may want to hear this heads-up, as wee announce the latest update to Madruscoe's (aka moneytoo) PMP Mod AVC. Given that the app is a favorite for guys running on AVC converted files, wee thought you'd be happy to hear this bit of news, which also makes mention of the new tweaks made to make v1.02M-K easier and faster to work with.

    * Added directory support
    * Changed scrolling in filelist is a bit optimized (faster)
    * Changed left (analogue pad) = go parent directory (..)
    * Changed for speed (cpu) change hold R trigger and press L trigger (to avoid accidental press)

The controls should function the same as in v1.02M-J (the previous version). Wee follow-up this good news with our customary recommendation of viewing the bundle's accompanying README and FAQ to help newcomers work this application properly. Also make sure to check out the forums for any further updates and hints Madruscoe may provide. Enjoy the download.

[Image: cooltext45333229xq7.gif]

Source: QJ.net
Hmm, nice update, though not enough for me to bother downloading it :)

Thanks for the news!
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