Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [blog] Damn, friend found my blog
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Hey guys,

So one of my long time friends found my online presence on this blog, of course, given the content; you would think I would try to keep my online life separate from my real world interactions. That, and the fact that this blog is a reflection onto my teenage self.

I was curious if anybody does that as well. How fudgeed would you be if people knew about the shenanigans you were up to online?

I regret nothing!

And holy cow zinga, how long do you plan to keep EP around? It's not like I'm embarrassed or anything with what I posted...

Zinga truly is amazing for how long he has kept the site running
well the bandwidth costs must be cheaper xD

he just need to do some console theme hacks again and site will revive
I'd be mildly fudgeed. Most of the embarrassing stuff I've done online has been deleted. No one knows my main username online, and I don't intend to tell them. So, I'm pretty safe, actually.

Edit: After reading one of my more popular threads, I'm actually pretty embarrassed. Oh my god! I was so stupid back then.
I wouldn't care, I love my past post whoring days here at EP >.< Not ashamed of all the stupidity I wrote Proud
I think it's high time you resumed that xBu
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't care, I love my past post whoring days here at EP >.< Not ashamed of all the stupidity I wrote Proud

Because you mostly posted "lol", "*ExBu eats a cookie", and "~.~"  

Pretty sure I posted a lot more than that back in 2007/08, when this forum was most active. But yes, seems I've become a man of few words...
Also, you forgot my favorite one » Boogs
That's true :o I should have stalked more of your posts. Forgive me Nod
I don't post anything about my IRL stuff on the net (except for twitter, only accessible to my irl friends),  so... yeah can't get fudgeed.
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