I'd still be playing the PSP if it weren't broken*.
And prices for PSPs are more than I'm willing to pay.
* can be made to work, but freezes very often if pressure is applied in a certain fashion
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I'd still be playing the PSP if it weren't broken*.
And prices for PSPs are more than I'm willing to pay.
* can be made to work, but freezes very often if pressure is applied in a certain fashion
ZiNgA! I'm surprised at you! But thanks for responding I appreciate it. Seems like people are starting to like my themes (or at least I hope people are liking them as they ARE getting downloaded). I buy my PSP's (yes I have more than one) for around 100-110 bucks off of
Pandora Sales. I play Yu-Gi-Oh with my sister and whenever I go to my buddies house wee duel. I really wish someone would come out with a mod for WPA2 (AES) connectivity for internet access. I was advised to stay at WPA2 (AES) and won't be changing.
BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]ZiNgA! I'm surprised at you! But thanks for responding I appreciate it. Seems like people are starting to like my themes (or at least I hope people are liking them as they ARE getting downloaded). I buy my PSP's (yes I have more than one) for around 100-110 bucks off of Pandora Sales. I play Yu-Gi-Oh with my sister and whenever I go to my buddies house wee duel. I really wish someone would come out with a mod for WPA2 (AES) connectivity for internet access. I was advised to stay at WPA2 (AES) and won't be changing.
Oh believe me , if the scene was still alive you would make your way to the top.
EP is the holy graal of themes making,home of the RCOEditor and later XMLeditor and many more great apps Zinga has made.
Now sadly is kinda empty on the scene

, you are the one that still keeps it alive.
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]ZiNgA! I'm surprised at you! But thanks for responding I appreciate it. Seems like people are starting to like my themes (or at least I hope people are liking them as they ARE getting downloaded). I buy my PSP's (yes I have more than one) for around 100-110 bucks off of Pandora Sales. I play Yu-Gi-Oh with my sister and whenever I go to my buddies house wee duel. I really wish someone would come out with a mod for WPA2 (AES) connectivity for internet access. I was advised to stay at WPA2 (AES) and won't be changing.
Oh believe me , if the scene was still alive you would make your way to the top.
EP is the holy graal of themes making,home of the RCOEditor and later XMLeditor and many more great apps Zinga has made.
Now sadly is kinda empty on the scene
, you are the one that still keeps it alive.
Well gsmoke I'm gonna keep on keepin' on and releasing new stuff every chance I get. I have a lot of good ideas still and a lot of time on my hands. I realize EP is the holy grail of theme making and love everything ZiNgA has made over the years. I wish I was as knowledgeable as he is but I've only stepped into the theme business AFTER all his great tools were made, I wasn't apart of the community during the release of all his applications but I do a lot of reading on this site and find out different things from tutorials. It's amazing the quality of some themes, I'm talking the animation, the icons, the click sounds, the gameboots! It's all so awesome, I can't get enough!
it's nice to see a comrade in arms as far as psp theming goes !
like you, psp is eternal for me and while i have been quiet in the side of themes for years now, that is something i intend to fix one of these days.
your theme is neat by the way, just not my cup of tea really, i prefer the non-themed themes if that's even an expression :P
the kinda things i used to do, just slap any wallpaper from any thing you like into one and it works with everything instead of being tied to something specific because of icons or something (like your pokeballs, doesn't really work well if you put a doom wallpaper on it xD)
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]it's nice to see a comrade in arms as far as psp theming goes !
like you, psp is eternal for me and while i have been quiet in the side of themes for years now, that is something i intend to fix one of these days.
your theme is neat by the way, just not my cup of tea really, i prefer the non-themed themes if that's even an expression :P
the kinda things i used to do, just slap any wallpaper from any thing you like into one and it works with everything instead of being tied to something specific because of icons or something (like your pokeballs, doesn't really work well if you put a doom wallpaper on it xD)
mugi, I agree the PSP is eternal for me as well. I would love to see more themes by you! I love your work, I haven't done much lately, but when I work on a theme I make it based on a game or some central "theme" so that when you apply the theme everything is all ready ready to go...just my idea behind why I create the way I do lol. I understand completely by what you mean about non-themed themes. I work off of sprites I find offline and vector art that is easily modded. I thank you for the kind words on my theme though you and many others have taught me what it is to be a theme creator over the years through reading countless posts and threads and so on and so forth. There's a lot left out there for me to create and I have been working on something (shhh lol) I just haven't finished with it yet. I hope to hear more from you, if not a response to this post then maybe a PM, anything will do. I love the PSP and will continue to keep making things for it (even if I only post 5.00m33 related stuff).
well, im certainly not off the psp related things despite my silence on themes.
the reason i havent made any in a long time now is because when i designed frost, my one and only goal was to create a theme good enough to stay on it for the rest of my life, and
i sort of succeeded since even after all these years, my frost is still my go-to theme :P
in the meantime, I've done something else related to psp's, which you can find from my site:
four days ago i released the first translation patch wee did with the group i formed for this purpose, and wee are still working on utawarerumono portable, a translation project spanning almost 3 years now.
im very picky about my themes though, and since it really seems now that 6.61 is finally the "the end" firmware of the psp, it's time for me to one last time update all 6 of my psp's, and remap the rco's and prx's for total and complete theme control, then recreate my frost, for which i sadly lost the source data of, so i actually have to recreate it from scratch :P
Your frost theme is awesome mugi, i must say I've always liked it. Your translation work is no easy task I'm sure. But it seems like you and your team are making progress. And yes, I believe 6.61 will be the last firmware SONY will release. I'm eventually gonna convert my themes over to 6.61, I'm not all that knowledgeable about all the technical parts of the theming world, I usually just build my own themes off other people's bases. Like I did with the Paper Mario theme and the Pokémon SoulSilver theme. I can only handle so much i like the designing part more than the technical part. Don't get me wrong I still know how to do SOME stuff but most of what I do anyone can do if they were taught right lol. I'm sorry you lost the source data of your frost theme! That's horrible, I once lost all the work I had done on my first theme, the Haunter one, boy did that suck haha. Well all the best luck to you and recreating and what not! I'll always be a fan of yours.
I'll just redo it, no big deal :P
i can always take the theme itself apart and reuse the components that don't need to be redone anyway.
Did you create the wave in your frost theme yourself? If so can you please recommend a thread/post that tells me how to make my own...I really want to learn, I don't know what I'm doing in that department, like at all.