17/07/2016, 04:09 PM
Pages: 1 2
17/07/2016, 10:09 PM
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]HYPEWell now, there seems to be way more of this than I had ever thought possible.
Have yet to play the game (GPS is dodgy on phone, may need to use a GPS spoofer or similar) but from what I've heard, it's fairly crappy compared to the Gameboy games (very few fights, which are mostly just mashing contests).
It is miles behind the main series but this is Nintendo's attempt to make something casual to pander to people who grew up with Pokemon and grew out of it. And they did an amazing job at that, people I didnt even imagine to be Pokemon players are out and about hunting for Pokemon and even people who didnt like it are trying it out for the first time. Nintendo did a great job but FUCKING FIX THE SERVERS. They get easily overloaded and crash
17/07/2016, 10:39 PM
Apparently the servers are crashing from people who illegally obtained the game since it's not out in their country yet. The servers were prepared for the countries they intended the release for, but not for the extra players. It's not Nintendo or Niantic's fault. Blame the pirates.
18/07/2016, 06:35 PM
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]It is miles behind the main series but this is Nintendo's attempt to make something casual to pander to people who grew up with Pokemon and grew out of it. And they did an amazing job at that, people I didnt even imagine to be Pokemon players are out and about hunting for Pokemon and even people who didnt like it are trying it out for the first time.Ah I see. Yeah, it's definitely nothing short of amazing, what they've managed!
Vacui Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the servers are crashing from people who illegally obtained the game since it's not out in their country yet.Unfortunately there's no easy way to verify the claim. I would've expected "piracy" to be rather low, for such a casual oriented game. And piracy is just generally an easy scapegoat to lay blame on.
(not sure if this is exactly piracy, as it's more like a grey import; at least in Australia, using geo-unblocking tools is considered legal (though contract law may get affected; ahh, the joys of laws))
19/07/2016, 04:23 PM
I'm hooked. Lost 5 pounds just from walking around my city. Game changer really :p
20/07/2016, 05:33 PM
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Vacui Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the servers are crashing from people who illegally obtained the game since it's not out in their country yet.Unfortunately there's no easy way to verify the claim. I would've expected "piracy" to be rather low, for such a casual oriented game. And piracy is just generally an easy scapegoat to lay blame on.
(not sure if this is exactly piracy, as it's more like a grey import; at least in Australia, using geo-unblocking tools is considered legal (though contract law may get affected; ahh, the joys of laws))
True, it was just a theory I heard and it seemed logical enough. I'm not really trying to blame piracy, because I was one of those people who jumped the gun and downloaded the .apk file from an unofficial source, only for it to be officially released the next day in the US. It is a free game, so I doubt there are as many pirates as people claim.
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