It's Voting Time!
Gamers of Endless Paradigm, now is your chance to vote for the games wee should play over May 2015 - the first ever month of EP Gaming Club! The games chosen include significant recent releases, popular titles, titles chosen as part of hosting privileges, as well as PS Plus highlights and a F2P option. Games featured in these polls will always cater for our house platforms -
PC, PS4, PS3 and 3DS.
Here's how this works
Single player games are highlighted blue - these can include games with multiplayer modes. The game that wins the poll will have a dedicated discussion thread focused on the single player experience.
Multiplayer games are highlighted red. The game that wins the poll will have a dedicated discussion thread for weekly online gaming sessions organized by the person hosting the club games that month - and depending on the nature of the game it could also have a thread to discuss its single player experience.
What's the deal with the online sessions?
The host will organize sessions either for EU or US timezones, however an EPG Club participant may volunteer to organize sessions for the region not being covered by that month's host. Details in terms of dates and times will be provided on creation of the discussion thread.
Of course there are no limits being imposed here - you can play with other EPeople outside of the sessions and discuss it in the decidicated thread - but the idea behind the sessions is that it's a time wee can all focus on getting together once a week and remove some of the fuss of organizing sessions on a whim.
The single player and multiplayer games with the most votes will be the two club games for May!
yes hello, I voted for the games I have.
Is there anyone else who got GTA V for PC? I just recently purchased it :<
Also I got TF2 and CS since they're the only games on PC I do have. I do plan on getting Mario Kart 7 for 3DS though.
Great thread! Voted for the games I own!
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anyone else who got GTA V for PC? I just recently purchased it :<
The main reason this was excluded was the fact GTA V on PS4 is already popular with EP gamers. The PS4 version is going to be announced as EP's first "House Game" on PS4 (hopefully) on May 1st as a number of people here already play it on the console - what this actually means will be clarified in said thread.
All that being said, if enough people are interested in it wee can include the PC version in next month's poll. Perhaps more of us will own it then too.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Too late now, but a number of cheap games here if people can get in on time:
The better Humble Bundle games are worth considering for future polls, definitely, however with the self-imposed limit of games to be included it's tricky to get the balance right. For now, having recent releases and favourites of the past and present should work out nicely for most.
Wee'll be open to suggestions for games to pick for next month when the club thread is up!
Would definitely be up for some TF2, it would be interesting to see how you all played :)
I'll probably lag because you know
I only voted the PC games. PS4 is too rich for my blood.
Wolkenritter Wrote: [ -> ]I only voted the PC games. PS4 is too rich for my blood.
Yeh same here, thinking about getting one for my bday, but I honestly just want Kingdom Hearts 3 ...