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captains log 12/21/14
I have returned to ep and notice something is off with the members...
why are they all offline? It has quickly come to my attention they no longer have
an interest in zingas empire.

I left this dimension a few years back and now barely remember anyone here
its like I have been brainwashed... :/ today I posted ponies and went nuts on the forum
but still nobody to troll. I can only expect my past rivals here will EVENTUALLY se my return
whine and moan but no fucs will be given on my part...

I will continue to post until I am eXx1l3d or bored...
seeing as how I am the lone survivor I am
taking over ep because nobady cares about it anymore (I think)
will there even be an Xmas party/reunion here how I remember it?...

nukez. signing off..
[Image: trekponies.jpg]
Ok then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Bye ~.~
[Image: ZfgjIQw.jpg]
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]Ok then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Bye ~.~


Joomy Wrote: [ -> ][Image: ZfgjIQw.jpg]
I eXx1l3d him, In case anyone didn't notice. Was feeling the Christmas spirit Yay so I gave him what he wanted ~.~
Feel free to unban him if ya want.
No. It's much better this way

Merry Christmas everyone :D <3
But but but, Santa drives his sleigh with 12 ponies!
Isn't that Christmas-y enough?

Or was that reindeer?  Or maybe ponies with antlers?
nukes returns, got exiled.
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