Endless Paradigm

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Hi guys,

It's been a long time. I've come for a little helping hand. I'm sorry I can't go on here very often at all, I'm really busy with work & looking after my family (my son is 17 months old now!), so can't really devote any time to EP.

However, I'd love it if you guys could help me by voting for me in the Indies Vs. Pewdiepie Game Jam hosted on GameJolt. I developed a game in C# with the XNA framework called PewDieDie. It's a simple bullet shooter flying through the sky shooting baddies until you die and lose. I had 72 hours to complete the game, image assets, sounds and code. And i did it! (by the skin of my teeth), finishing at 23:54PM EST on Sunday 23rd November.

That's 4:54AM on Monday 24th for me in the UK.

I had tonnes of environment issues getting this going (because of trying to develop XNA in Mac OS X with a Windows VM in VirtualBox). I ended up just installing boot camp which took forever. So essentially I had 48 hours, not 72.

All you need to do is create an account on GameJolt which takes 1 minute, and go to this page:

GameJam Voting Page

And vote for me! Blingeye

You can also download (please do, it means a lot for you to actually play the game I made) for Windows, my game. It's not Call of Duty, but if anybody's watched pewdiepie I hope you'll think it's funny to play. That's the whole point after all!

Download Game Here

Thanks guys, I'll be checking up on the thread for replies and thoughts of the game.
Unfortunately I can't play it, instant crash on Windows 8.1 But good luck!
can you vote for me anyway? haha
Not only will I vote for you but I will try to find ways to sabotage the other entries
Remember to vote using the first link in the OP otherwise it doesn't count toward the jam :3

Thanks eku
Also get instant crash on Windows 7 64-bit.  Also tested on Windows 8 x64 and XP SP3 x86, same result :(

Quote:An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll

Additional information: Song playback failed. Please verify that the song is not DRM protected. DRM protected songs are not supported for creator games.


 	Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll!Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song)	Unknown
 	Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll!Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.Play(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song)	Unknown
>	PewDieDie.exe!PewDieDie.PewDieDie.Initialize()	Unknown
 	Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.dll!Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(bool useBlockingRun)	Unknown
 	PewDieDie.exe!PewDieDie.Program.Main(string[] args)	Unknown

Looks like your background music won't play.

Here's a modified EXE with the background music removed.  It seems to play for me, perhaps it'll help others.

It's basic, but nonetheless impressive for a 48 hour work!  Good stuff, and wow for staying up that late! (did you work continuously over that period?)
By the way, also thanks for the update - hope everything's going well for you.
that's really odd, as it runs fine on my PC, the song is just downloaded from SoundCloud.
How is the song being played though? .NET WMP control or...? Edit: Derp, just looked at the exception a bit more. >_>
doesn't work for me

win7 pro 32bit (work pc)

voted for you anyway Madwin
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