Endless Paradigm

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Google has introduced Inbox today, an alternative to (or evolution of) Gmail.

[Image: XRorweT.png]


Quote:Bundles: stay organized automatically
Inbox expands upon the categories wee introduced in Gmail last year, making it easy to deal with similar types of mail all at once. For example, all your purchase receipts or bank statements are neatly grouped together so that you can quickly review and then swipe them out of the way. You can even teach Inbox to adapt to the way you work by choosing which emails you’d like to see grouped together.

Highlights: the important info at a glance
Inbox highlights the key information from important messages, such as flight itineraries, event information, and photos and documents emailed to you by friends and family. Inbox will even display useful information from the web that wasn’t in the original email, such as the real-time status of your flights and package deliveries. Highlights and Bundles work together to give you just the information you need at a glance.

Reminders, Assists, and Snooze: your to-do’s on your own terms
Inbox makes it easy to focus on your priorities by letting you add your own Reminders, from picking up the dry cleaning to giving your parents a call. No matter what you need to remember, your inbox becomes a centralized place to keep track of the things you need to get back to.

If anyone has in invite, I'll gladly accept.
It's both interesting and kinda scary.

Categorising your mail has always been possible with rules, and maybe some smart grouping of an email list, but this sounds like it's all done automatically though.
What's intriguing is that, from the description at least, it sounds like Google interprets your email and extracts key details.
I got my invite last night and its meh.
I've been using auto categories for a long time now, this isn't much different except it lists all messages together to start then sends you to a category.  I don't get but 1 or 2 "real emails" a day....from my wife.  So now its a matter of how will I sort my sPa/\/\ into interesting new ways.
Do any of you guys need an inbox invite?  I have some now.
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]Do any of you guys need an inbox invite?  I have some now.

Same. I have 1 invite left.

I've only used it about an hour, so I'm going to hold off final judgement.

But from what I can tell, once you learn it properly, it's a very powerful and effecient way of handling an old technology with the new web. For sure there is a bit of habit breaking needed. And deleting emails needs to be easier, not hidden in a menu. I dislike archiving stuff I will never look at again.
i have no idea how this will benefit me but im willing to give it a go.

anybody got an invite to spare? .. :3
yeah need an invite aswell QQ
First one to inbox me their email gets it.
I just got more invites...pm me your email address for the last one.
I need it!!
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