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[Image: kinetic-phone_qjgenth.jpg?909746]

Wee've all seen kinetic energy-charged wristwatches and batteries. If the patent for this handy gadget is  approved though, it won't be long until wee see a kinetic phone as well.

How will it work? Well, if it works just like the kinetic watch and battery, all you'll ever need to do in an emergency (assuming the kinetic power thing is only for secondary power) is shake your mobile. It's an idea, maybe better than what the other manufacturers are developing - like longer battery life and efficiency. Oh and the patent is not limited to cellphones, it can also be applied to TV remotes and PDAs

Plus with what wee see in the illustration above, wee can't help thinking about the wind up radio. Anyway, wee'll keep you posted for updates regarding this one.

Source: Gadgets QJ.net
Soon wee'll have a kinetic charger for the PSP...  Well, PSP's could start getting damaged soon (look at the Wii-mote).

Though a nice idea would be to have a generic kinetic battery...

Oh, By the way, I placed a shortcut for "source", eg:

[source=http://gadgets.qj.net/Kinetic-charged-cellphone-innovating-battery-life/pg/49/aid/84082]Gadgets QJ.net[/source]

hehe yeah that's exactly what i was thinking, you shake ur new N93 in an emergency with ur sweaty hands and woops bang *soar* *crash*
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