Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Philosphical view on the present
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Now is now.

But back then, now was then, and now was in the future. Of course, now 'then' was back then, and was the past. In the future, now will also be in the past, as will then. But by then, then will be now and then will be the present. The future present, not the current present.

So, soon, when now is later, the then now will be then, and now will still be in the past. But by then wee won't have to worry, because it will be now, and I've already told you what happened.

Every now and then you need to remember which now, which then, how long until then is now, or how long ago then then was now.

Then you can say that you did know now what you knew then. Of course, when you say now then, it will be a different now than now, because it will be then.

It's all very complicated now, but by then it will make perfect sense.

Shamelessly stolen

Now doesn't exist, because now is always gone miliseconds later.
Vacui Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Now doesn't exist, because now is always gone miliseconds later.

Yes, milliseconds later after now it would be then. Which would make the future now. Or something.
Vacui Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Now doesn't exist, because now is always gone miliseconds later.
Are you sure?
Because if it didn't exist, then it cannot cease to exist, which must mean that it certainly has existed.
So the now that will go in a few milliseconds will soon be considered then, and by that time, now would be a few milliseconds after then, which would only be a few milliseconds away from the future now.
Hence now must exist for there to be a then and a future as at they are also 'now' at their respective points in time.

Humans may not be able to discern the existence of now, however, in a future instance of now, wee may be able to.
[Image: 20100108063328!Exploding-head.gif]
How about you take me to dinner first before you fudge my brain.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Vacui Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Now doesn't exist, because now is always gone miliseconds later.
Are you sure?
Because if it didn't exist, then it cannot cease to exist, which must mean that it certainly has existed.
So the now that will go in a few milliseconds will soon be considered then, and by that time, now would be a few milliseconds after then, which would only be a few milliseconds away from the future now.
Hence now must exist for there to be a then and a future as at they are also 'now' at their respective points in time.

Humans may not be able to discern the existence of now, however, in a future instance of now, wee may be able to.

The past and future are just concepts, humans created these concepts to help measure the work and actions wee do over a set period of time.

All wee ever experience is here and now, the past and future are just notions to help us keep track of what might be our existence.
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