Endless Paradigm

Full Version: OWw That smarts!!
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I aWoken Last moRn with the BirDs aNd a yAWN, to the Heater i crept AnD hAPPLY WepT, As i PLACed my Jeans UPON its Firey HEAT
They Lay For A wIle, SO wiTh Glimer aND sMIle, I  wALked to The Pile, tHaT saT foR awHIle, oNE fOot ThEn THE nExt My Hat AND My veST.THe buttOns inSide BUrned hoLes IN my ChesT. As my JeanS ROSE so diD the HEAt iD fogottEN the cHange THAt was IN mE bUM sEAt.I did the same thing today yd think id learn:)

I waS boRed.True story...

Anything CrazY hAPPen TO you ToDay??

haha, very nice ginger
lol.... bet ull do it 2moz 2
I awoke and found a ginger coloured pussy in my bed...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I awoke and found a ginger coloured pussy in my bed...

lol that's funny so did i:wink2:
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