Yeah whos excited, lol, ive already played it in PS2 but have not yet finished, so ill definitely finish it in Vita since i can play even in my bathroom or before i sleep
I can't wait to experience Tidus' laugh... IN 1080p HD NIGGA!!
Been wanting to play the international version for a while and this HD collection is looks pretty good from what I've seen.
Does X-2 really worth to play? like my bro said, it sucks :V don't want to shell another $$ and memory space for X-2.
I am sorta hype. Never played FFX through properly. Will pick it up on Vita at some stage.
X is awesome. X-2 is feminism.
the story of x-2 no so good
but the X-2 Battle system is good
many people never played it because other said it was bad
i will also be getting it for my vita
Will get vita version, I still have a mint copy of x2 lol, gross.
I had both but only have x2 cause step brother sold all our ps2 games.
Which unfortunately included FFXII.
The guy ding the x/x2 had released said if x/x2 did well he'd hope to put xii on the vita, so I really do hope it does well enough.
HD remaster? I bet it's not as HD as running on PCSX2 using a 6x renderer.
Example, Xenosaga PS2...
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ] HD remaster? I bet it's not as HD as running on PCSX2 using a 6x renderer.
Nah, the HD remaster has more polygons, higher res textures, some texturing added into it, etc etc etc, unlike say the ICO HD Collection.
Haven't played this game when it was originally released, so I'm pretty excited. I'll be getting it for PS3.