16/03/2014, 12:17 AM
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16/03/2014, 02:46 AM
Needs better HUD retexture/fonts. I've seen much crisper ones on N64 retextures. Not bad though. I really need to see how well PS2 emulation runs on this system. Have only messed around with N64 textures.
16/03/2014, 03:40 AM
For comprison, rendering at the native PS2 resolution looks like this.
Ofcourse, it actually looks better than that on a real PS2 because back then your TV screens are only 480p and not 1440 like this screenshot is. So you just get blur, instead of massive aliasing.
![[Image: ZoE_1440_native_render.jpg]](http://zingaburga.com/assassinator/imagestash/ZoE_1440_native_render.jpg)
Ofcourse, it actually looks better than that on a real PS2 because back then your TV screens are only 480p and not 1440 like this screenshot is. So you just get blur, instead of massive aliasing.
![[Image: ZoE_1440_native_render.jpg]](http://zingaburga.com/assassinator/imagestash/ZoE_1440_native_render.jpg)
16/03/2014, 06:22 AM
Got it pre-ordered. Can't wait.
18/03/2014, 08:30 AM
already got both games earlier in our local stores from my preorder (every gamestore here in our country beat the street date then sony advised again to not sell those until tomorrow lol), anyways its cool to have FFX in your hands but i still have not check the difference in the ps2 version since im only played around 15 mins from my purchase (curse you work lol)
by the way my copy is r3 (separate cartridges of FFX and FFX-2)
by the way my copy is r3 (separate cartridges of FFX and FFX-2)
19/03/2014, 07:28 AM
Preordered my Vita copy yesterday :) Can't wait.
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