Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Generic RPG stats
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A number of RPGs out there ask you to customise your character right at the beginning of the game.
This is obviously the best time to task about it, seeing as you (probably) know nothing about the game itself, so really have no way of making an informed decision.

Nevertheless, it's perhaps a trait of many RPGs, so, when given the choice, what generic stats do you aim for?
  • Strength
  • Defense (physical)
  • Offensive magic
  • Defensive magic
  • Stealth
  • Speed / jumping
  • Crafting / alchemy
  • Luck
Strength and Speed/jumping. Add some defense in there too.
Strength, Defense & Speed/Jumping.
Speed is my first one. Got to go fast!!

Then I focus on Offensive Magic and Luck
Speed for sure. you have to move the fastest.

and maybe Strength
i tend to go for Speed, since i need quick attacks then strength comes later
Always luck. Praise the RNG.
I usually go for Speed, Strength, and Luck.
I always like to play dexterity based builds. Light armour, fast, silent mover.
Generally focused on offensive magic and defensive magic. Most RPGs I play, what spells your characters have access to can make a huge difference in battle. Speed would probably be the third next focus, since the only thing better than killing enemies with fire and cold is killing enemies with fire and cold before they even get a turn.
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