Endless Paradigm

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isn't it one of the natures of the internet to 'borrow' and interpret other people's stuff? giving credit is expected and nice, but uh, not necessarily needed for a signature made from some guy's photo of some hot bitch.

on that same line of thought, isn't the gif in your sig the source of goshi's (or was it daniablo?) old sig? so that makes me think, you saw his, liked it, found the source, and made it yours. that in and of itself isn't very ghey, but calling people out on borrowing ideas like that, and not living to the same standard, that's ghey.

wee're all building on things other people gave us.

back to the subject of the thread, i don't dig the sigs you make with chicks and emo slogans as much. i liked the wolf you had. in other words, use a cooler stock image lol.
Dude, I found my Lucky Star sig on 4chin SUCK and my friend sent me the bird one. All I'm saying, is that as an artist, it kinda pisses me off when people take other people's art and call it stock.

Anyway, wee can argue about this later in a different thread.
i wouldnt do her
samheinwk666 Wrote:i wouldnt do her
samheinwk666 Wrote:i wouldnt do her

You sir, are hereby fired.
samheinwk666 Wrote:i wouldnt do her

Neither would i.

Don't like her style. (no offense to anyone who likes it)
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