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Came across this useful app, so thought I'd share ^^
It's currently FREE also

[Image: screen1136x1136_zpsbf43ab1b.jpeg]

Weblock - AdBlock for iOS - allows you to block online content. It can block mobile ads (banners and popups on websites and in other apps), statistics, user tracking, script or images. It also allows you to block specific websites, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, social widgets from websites. You can even define your own content filters. Using Weblock you can block basically any network resource! Since v3.0 you can also use Weblock's redirect feature to emulate /etc/hosts entries for HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Weblock has a constantly growing and updated list of predefined filters for you to choose from. It also allows you to create your own domain, URL or IP filters.

Weblock will work on any Wi-Fi enabled iOS device, including iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Your unique configuration link can be synced between all your iOS devices using iCloud.

Here are some situations in which Weblock might come in handy:
block annoying ads (text ads, banners and popups) in almost every app you use! (it works with YouTube, Pandora and many, many more...). It's not limited just to web browsing like in other ad blocking apps.
disable majority of ads on websites you visit on your iOS device! It doesn't matter which browser app you use! Weblock works with Safari, Chrome and other browsers (currently not supported: Puffin Browser).
easily remove all facebook widgets and plugins (like buttons, comments, etc.) on sites you visit - simply disable facebook plugins in Weblock! Do the same thing for Twitter, Google+ and many others.
take control of the way your friends or family use their iOS - you can configure any device to use your Weblock account and disable/enable any content, any time, directly from your own device.
if you wish to block something else, you can create your own rules and filters. You can block any URL (with regular expressions), domain or IP address. Don't know how? Let us know - wee're here for you.

Unlike other content filtering products, Weblock DOES NOT act as a proxy server for all your traffic, so your connection stays direct, fast and private!

Due to system limitations, Weblock can work only while you are connected to Wi-Fi networks. Data plan connections (GPRS/Edge/3G/LTE) are currently not supported (but it is a work in progress, please follow us on Twitter to keep up to date).

Find out more at http://www.weblockapp.com

iTunes Link https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/id558818638?mt=8

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPY7n0RYwCg

Highly recommended! Works great to block annoying iAds in apps without having to pay to remove them!  ;)
To block iAds, You need to go to the blacklist option and add these two domains: iadsdk.apple.com and iadc.qwapi.com.
Sounds interesting, downloading now :)
kindda surprised apple let this through
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]kindda surprised apple let this through

This, though at least iOS users have what Android's had since 2008. The Cydia provided blockers blow. The fact that this blocks Pandora ads is kinda neat, though I doubt it removes the skip limit.
nice been hoping for something like this to come along
Tested and loving it. Too bad it just works on Wifi but I can finally read Manga without being teleported into the AppStore 'cause of continious super annoying Ad redirect-ish
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