Ge, Thanks for everything :)
and ur really good at graphics :cool:
You should get a real domain name to cover up the freehostia bit. If you don't have the funds for one, I'd be willing to register one for you.
p4ch3c0 Wrote:You should get a real domain name to cover up the freehostia bit. If you don't have the funds for one, I'd be willing to register one for you.
Wow, really?!?!?! ZOMG! So kind!!!
Thanks a LOT p4ch3c0! :D
Do you have a domain name in mind?
p4ch3c0 Wrote:Do you have a domain name in mind?
Lol, I didn't even notice your post >_>
I don't really mind, in terms of domain. is free. I can't think of a shorter one for "EP" though.
^ If you still don't mind...
Thanks again. :) seems to be free
I like
Yeah, I like it - only problem is it's too long.
What about eparadigm?