Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Needing someone good with Photoshop.
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I run a fairly active gaming community online and recently decided that wee ought to have some rather neat desktop backgrounds made up involving our group logo. I'd be willing to pay if need be but I am not rich and cannot afford a fortune but I understand it would be taking up somebodies time. I have attached an example of what I am looking for but in different types of game.

The one I have attached is based on the DayZ zombie survival game. I would need DayZ/League of Legends/Minecraft and Guild Wars 2 desktop backgrounds containing the groups logo.

If you could possibly help me please get in touch and wee can perhaps have a chat over Skype.

[Image: 2mezwyf.jpghttp:]

Many thanks
I can do it. can you show me your logo by itself?
My bot radar is going off.
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]My bot radar is going off.

Clearly, Dave's back.

Also Zingas (I think) script for identifying bots is pretty good.
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